5 Crafts to Welcome Spring

a close up of a woman's hands as she places an element on a collage piece.

Sunlight has already begun to stretch longer, and the world smells fresh again. Soon, flowers will start springing up! But that beauty and light doesn’t need to stay outside your home–let’s look at some crafts you can do to bring spring in! Have you felt it? That rush of energy in the wind? The warmth…

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Executing Your DIY Lakeside Wedding | Pt. 2

A lakeside resort wedding couple kiss in the autumn sunshine.

Not only do you have your beloved partner, you have your lists, you’ve begun to delegate who is working on what, and your Pinterest is chock-full of the best vibes. You can finally get to work on planning the best DIY lakeside wedding! But oh, where to start? Not to fear, my dear–here’s your guide!…

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Planning a DIY Lakeside Wedding | Pt. 1

Wedding ceremony under a chuppah on a stunning blue lake on a sunny day wwith blue sky

Congratulations! You’ve found the love of your life and have decided to commit yourselves to one another publicly! This is an incredibly exciting time, and you want to make the ceremony as welcoming, warm, and full of love as you two are. But you don’t have the budget to spend tens of thousands of dollars…

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Best Books to Read on Break

The best time to read a book is on vacation and we have a list of the best books to read

There are many moments while on vacation that beg for the perfect book. The quiet time when you’re curling up before the fire in the evening with the scent of fresh air lingering in your hair. Watching the kids hurl themselves off the end of the dock and into the lake. Floating in the middle…

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