Executing Your DIY Lakeside Wedding | Pt. 2
Not only do you have your beloved partner, you have your lists, you’ve begun to delegate who is working on what, and your Pinterest is chock-full of the best vibes. You can finally get to work on planning the best DIY lakeside wedding! But oh, where to start? Not to fear, my dear–here’s your guide!
From DIY Plan to DIY Wedding
You have all the information you need to make your DIY lakeside wedding the day of your dreams. You’re all ready to jump in and do anything and everything. The biggest advice I have at this point is to simply go step-by-step. Don’t try to tackle everything at once, or start three projects at the same time. That’s fine if you’re leading one of them, and your mother just checks in while working on her project, but if you yourself have multiple things going at once, it can get stressful and overwhelming very quickly.
Get the big projects out of the way first. Your dress, your partner’s dress or tux, and whatever the rest of the bridal party will be wearing should be some of the first things to get checked off the list. Then, hire your officiant(s). Make your guest list and get started on invitations so you can make your seating chart the moment you start getting RSVPs. When it comes to wedding planning, do not put anything off for too long. Your big day will be here sooner than you think!
While working, refer back to your vibe list/keywords/mood boards, and remember it’s okay if things change! These are your base, your anchor––your boat can drift around a little if it needs to!
If you’ve read through all that and Part 1 and are going “I’m still lost on what I could DIY. Could you give me a jumping off point?” All I have to say is, “Yes, of course! Come walk and talk with me.”
The Bridal Ensemble
Starting with outfits, if you want to DIY your bridal look, my suggestion is to check first within your own family. Is there a dress you can alter? An antique veil you’ve loved since you were a kid? Put together your wedding look as much as you can from things within your family. Not only is it a really easy way to save money on a ‘fit you’ll wear once, but it’s also a sure-fire way to make sure that as you walk down the aisle, you have the women who came before you supporting you in that walk as well.
If you know you want to buy something but you can’t find the piece you want in stores or boutiques, hop on over to Etsy. There’s an array of beautiful veils, cowls, handfasting cords––anything you could imagine. After I decided I didn’t have enough time or energy to make my own veil (which was my original plan), I got one that looked exactly how I wanted from BlissWeddingVeils and it was beyond perfect.
If you do choose to sew your veil or even make your dress from scratch, make sure you have enough time! I may be going out on a limb, but I think your DIY lakeside wedding has way more elements to DIY than a single dress. Be sure you’ve delegated everything else if you’ve chosen to focus on one thing.
Close-up of a veil from Bliss Wedding Veils.
If you’re looking for a new piece of jewelry you want to still have an old feel, check out estate displays at your local jewelry store. Oftentimes people will donate old jewelry and they will be marked down significantly. The bracelet I wore at my wedding was a mother-of-pearl and gold piece, just shy of $150. Now, that is a lot to some, but for a vintage piece in fantastic condition, it was so worth it. Other than that, keep an eye out at antique stores!
And, just like with your gown and veil, if you know you have a family member with the perfect string of pearls or earrings to complete your look, don’t be afraid to ask! I wore my great grandmother’s pearl necklace, and I wouldn’t have wanted anything different.
Detail shot of the mother-of-pearl bracelet.
Bridal Party Glam
When it comes to your bridal party’s looks, remember that practically all girls have a go-to makeup look that suits them the best. You do not have to go full-glam as a bride, nor do your bridesmaids. I and all my bridesmaids were fully responsible for our own hair, makeup, and jewelry––I just told them what kind of pieces I wanted them to have (bracelets, necklace, earrings, etc). Just make sure you use concealer and a powder over it, and y’all will be glowing with whatever looks you like. However, if one of your girls wears a goth full-face every day, don’t be afraid to ask her to tone it down for the wedding. You set the parameters, they get to work within them. Saves you money on a makeup artist and saves them stress on what do!
When it comes to invitations, programs, and signs, you can either fully design them yourself or fill out a template. For those in favor of a template, I’d suggest checking out the website Zazzle. For those looking to design them entirely on their own, you can do a mix of Photoshop and Zazzle or check out Canva! When it comes to table numbers, I again recommend Etsy and Zazzle.
If you plan to design them yourself, check out Pinterest for some ideas for artistic concepts! You could hand draw them, or perhaps you or a family member is super talented with rubber cuts or Lino cuts! Maybe your sister loves to decoupage things and can make a beautiful collage for a sign! There’s also beautiful things you can do with a mirror and some paint pens if you’ve the necessary skills for hand lettering.
Pamphlet from the Schwab-Sams wedding that outlined the order of the ceremony.
Decorations: Not Just Flowers
For non-floral decor, check out local antique shops and thrift stores! You just need an end table? Pick one up for fifteen bucks from the Savers down the street and give it a fresh coat of paint. Or just slap a sheer flowy table cloth on it, and voila! A table to put programs on, cups for the ceremony, some candles, or a sign! And if you need things like fabrics and easels and candles, go online and look at what Walmart has to offer. You’d be surprised with all the things you can order, and the prices they’re available at! Consider doing memorial candles for people you wished had been with us long enough to be at your big day. You can get them in a bundle from nearly any craft store for cheap.
And, as always, Amazon has a bundle of things for cheap prices!
Vase of baby’s breath, battery-operated lantern, raw cut wood, and memorial candles as DIY table decoration.
Things to Remember
If you get overwhelmed, ask for help! This is not just your job, this is a community effort. Back before the rise of independent culture in the US and the isolation of the nuclear family, every birth, death, and wedding was a major community event. We as humans are still hardwired to seek support and community, especially during these times! Lean into it! Not only will it make wedding planning and the lakeside wedding itself a more memorable, positive experience for you, but it’ll allow others in your life to engage with it and form their own lovely memories in a way they otherwise wouldn’t. As I said in “Planning a DIY lakeside Wedding | Pt. 1,” community and a support system is imperative.
Elijah’s grandparents at his wedding.
Revisiting Mindset
For my fellow nature-loving brides out there (which, if you’re planning a lakeside wedding, I’m assuming you are), try to time your day to, well, the day! There are tons of things you can do on your own to prepare your mind, body, and spirit for the day ahead.
In the Morning
Let your body wake up naturally, rising as the sun hits your face and begins to imbue you with natural energy, and take time to enjoy the morning––just you, by yourself. This is a huge moment of transition in your life. Allow yourself the time to get in touch with yourself and the world. Welcome in the change you’re about to make. And care for yourself––your work is done, now this day is all about you and your partner.
Consider starting your day with a warm drink. Make yourself tea or coffee (if you’re getting married at Campfire Bay Resort, stop by the lodge to get your cup). There has long been a correlation between holding/imbibing a warm drink and having a more positive outlook on the day ahead. Take at least fifteen sips, take five deep breaths, and let the warmth hold you.
Other things you can do are more reflective. Thanks to your decision to have a lakeside wedding, you likely have access to nature even before going to the exact ceremony site. Grab your journal and a favorite pen, or the book you’re reading, and go sit down by the lake. Take in the mist, the wind, and wake up your mind in the early light. If you’re at all spiritual or religious, grab your scripture, a devotional, or your favorite prayer book, and go sit in nature.
Take time to be in nature, breathe, and center yourself before continuing your day. It’s going to fly by soon enough. Listen to the birds, offer prayers, or meditate. Nature connects to us in beautiful ways, allowing us to see the mundane/mortal and the divine working together. It’s great to get yourself in the right headspace.
Through the Day
As the day goes on, find ways to connect back and ground yourself! Stress is normal. All brides are stressed, and you even more so. Having a DIY wedding makes everything seem as though everything relies on you and your preparation. I know, even if you won’t admit it, you think that if something goes wrong, it’s all on you. First, it’s not. And second, with the venue you’ve chosen, you have direct access to the best anti-stress agent: wind, water, and earth. Even if it’s just closing your eyes and taking a deep breath before you walk down the aisle, or waiting by the side during photos and being aware of the sun’s warmth on your skin.
And last but not least, remember that this entire day is about you, your partner, the love you share, and the community you get to celebrate with. If things go wrong, they go wrong. I can guarantee that you won’t remember them, or even if you do, you’ll end up laughing.
Take time to bask in the love you both share, the love that your community is giving you, and everything will be just fine.
The bridal party of the Schwab-Sams wedding.